Baby’s First Photoshoot! Tips on Making it Go Smoothly

If you’ve just had a baby, you’ll know how precious each moment is with them. You want to treasure those memories forever, but they’re fleeting by nature.

To help you capture and remember those amazing moments, you can get a newborn baby photoshoot. Your baby will grow up before you know it, after all.

But you may be apprehensive about bringing your child to a studio, especially if they’re fussy. To help you out, here are some tips on making your baby photoshoot go smoothly.

Posed Sessions: Bring Them in Early

If you’re looking for a posed session instead of some casual shots, the best time to do it is within the first two weeks of birth. You may not feel up to bringing your baby to a studio yet at that time, but it can be optimal for posed sessions since they’re so sleepy.

These pictures will show them all cuddled up on any type of scene you want, such as in a crib, or in a more creative setting, like a backdrop of the sky and clouds.

You can certainly bring your child in for posed sessions when they’re older, but it may be more difficult to get them to hold still or not be agitated. But a good photographer will know what they’re doing and can get you the best shots, even if your baby’s fussy.

Tire Your Baby Out

This might seem like a strange tip, but it’s similar to the one above. If your baby is alert and awake, they might get distracted by the new environment and it’ll be harder to snap good pictures. Plus, they might get cranky more easily.

You might feel bad about keeping your child up, and they may be fussy as a result, but it’s just for a little bit. The point is to get them to fall asleep during the shoot so it’s easier capturing those precious moments.

Loosen Clothing and Diapers Beforehand

Many newborn photoshoots are done in the buff, with private parts tastefully hidden. However, clothing and diapers can create imprints, which may not look the best when photographed.

To avoid these imprints and marks, consider loosening your baby’s clothes and diaper at least 30 minutes before your scheduled shoot. That way, there will be enough time for the markings and imprints to fade. As a result, you’ll get stunning pictures without any distractions of red marks and such.

Be Ready for Feedings

No matter if you’re feeding your baby formula or breast milk, you’re bound to have a rigorous feeding schedule. Photoshoots can take hours, and once your little one is hungry, they may start getting cranky and agitated.

Keep your regular feeding schedule and make the proper arrangements so your baby can be fed whenever they’re hungry. For instance, if they drink formula, bring an insulated bag with you filled with formula.

Otherwise, ask the photographer for some breaks to feed your baby. They should understand, considering they’re experienced in these shoots and know young children need to be fed frequently.

Be Prepared for Accidents

Since photoshoots can take hours, it’s only natural that your baby may defecate or urinate while being photographed. If they don’t have clothes on, this can get on the props.

Don’t be embarrassed about it, as we’re used to things of this nature. It’d be a great help if you brought extra towels, wipes, and props so the shoot can go on as quickly as possible.

If you’d like your baby to be photographed in a diaper to avoid these accidents, consider bringing a diaper cover. It can add to the beauty of the pictures, while diapers themselves can detract from them since they distract the viewer.

Warm the Props

Having a warm environment is important, especially if your baby is going for an “in the buff” photoshoot. But here’s something to make your child even more comfortable: warm the props you’re using. This simulates the heat that comes off your body, so they’ll feel more at ease while in the studio.

You can buy a heating pad, make one of your own, or ask the photographer if they have one. They can then leave it on things like the beanbag or blanket, wherever they’re planning on posing your baby.

Keep Other Children at Home

We know, it’s exciting to bring your baby to the photoshoot, and you want your other kids to share in this experience. But even if they’re the most well-behaved children, they’re bound to create a distraction while in the studio.

Whether it’s tantrums or hyperactive playing, your other children may be loud and upset your baby. This won’t make for good pictures, since you probably want to see a happy baby in them!

Consider a Maternity or Family Photoshoot

If your baby gets anxious a lot when you put them down, you might want to go for a maternity or family photoshoot instead. That way, either you, your spouse, or one of your other children can hold the baby while you’re getting your pictures taken.

Your baby might feel more comfortable with people they love surrounding them, which will make for an easier photoshoot.

Have an Easy Baby Photoshoot for Your Child

While it may initially sound like a nightmare, a baby photoshoot can be a fun experience for everyone involved. As long as you use the tips we’ve given you above, then it should be an occasion to remember forever. You’ll get beautiful pictures to look back on and show your children when they grow up.

If you think you and your baby are ready for a photoshoot, then please don’t hesitate to reach out and book a session.

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