I will ensure that every detail is perfect, from the preparation work to the packaging. My warm, professional demeanor will put you at ease, and my artistry will exceed your expectations. I believe that when you hire me, you deserve more than just a nice picture. You deserve a collection of images that tell a story.
My laid-back approach is dedicated to ensuring that your needs are well taken care of, and that everyone involved is satisfied and comfortable. I thrive on excellent customer service and will go the extra mile to deliver the best possible images in any circumstance. Safety is always a top priority. I have professional training in newborn posing and safety, so you can rest assured that your little one is in nurturing hands.
I am committed to going above and beyond for my clients. I also offer newborn mentoring workshops for those interested in pursuing a career in newborn photography.
At Silver Bee Photography, I specialize in newborn, family, children, baby, twins, and maternity portraits. However, my calendar fills up quickly, so book your session today to ensure that your baby's first days are documented forever.
Fill out the form by clicking the button below and let's chat so we can get to know each other a bit better.